Monday, 31 August 2009

Reasons to be cheerful!

It did rain today! The lawn didn’t get cut! The garden is still in need of care and attention! But there are things to be happy about. Hidden behind other plants I found self sown non stop begonias. One is a lovely salmon pink DSCF2351 and is hiding under the back wall, and the other is a bright yellow in with the lavender DSCF2349 in a stone tub. Quite unexpected!

And although all the dahlias are pink on looking at them closely I find that one is of the cactus variety as opposed to decorative as all the others are.DSCF2355 Lovely to have a change!

In spite of the dire looks of the cucumber plants there are still cucumbers bravely growing and more to come. DSCF2358 The same can be said of the courgettes. Regardless of this DSCF2364 there is still hope of a few more courgettes. The wind hasn’t been kind to the courgettes. DSCF2365 They have finally fallen over!

And the begonias continue to blossom brightly and keep the garden lookingDSCF2359 DSCF2363 colourful. The self sown nasturtiums are climbing DSCF2350 through the hazels and look so cheerful.  An added bonus is that there are some variegated ones from the year before last! DSCF2361

All in all a lot to be pleased about! And I do love autumn. I love the colours of the leaves; the smell of bonfires Fire and the evenings drawing in and the need to light the fire and turn on the lights.DSCF0002 The perfect setting for reading a good book! What more does one want!


  1. Lovely photos Val, sorry to hear you had rain today... :(

    The Begonias and Nasturtium really do look very colourful, I love it growing up through the hazel!

    Your courgettes and cucumber have done very well, I may attempt some cucumber next year...

    Autumn and Winter are wonderful, it's such a magical time of year... However I will miss sitting outside without the need for a coat/scarf :)

  2. Glad you sound more positive and I forgot to say that I loved your work on your last post

  3. Val..., As always there lies one or two things to be happy about, otherwise life would be utterly intolerable... ready a good book by the fire, what a way to wind down a day.


  4. The white begonias and pink dahlias are pretty sight. it reminded me that they are ready to be sown next weak in our climate.

  5. Enjoyed reading your blog....and enjoyed the pictures...realizing that some were sad...some of the problems with garden I've had here on the central east coast of USA...this year I've had June Bugs eating up my roses...ALL summer...I liked the picture with the badger....we have a dachshund....he'll never live long enough to see a badger...the ribbon artwork is lovely...I'll be back to visit you again...

  6. After reading about the fires that are around Los Angeles, I felt quite lucky that we don't live in such a dry area, even if it's 100% forest. Certainly a reason to be cheerful on this side of the pond!

  7. I love the yellow begonia. It's always surprising where plants will self seed.

  8. Thank you everyone for your comments. I do realise that we are extremely lucky as Rowena says not to have forest fires such as they have had in Greece and California. There is a lot to be thankful for! Val

  9. looks like there's a lot indeed to be cheerful about!
