Saturday, 5 September 2009

Another Quilt Show!

I have just spent a delightful morning at a quilt show run by Kerenza Quilters, a local quilting group, which was held in Kea Church. This is a most delightful venue and although the church isn’t all that old; DSCF0529 the date on the porch is 1837; it is a delightful church and full of charm. DSCF0526

The quilts on show were delightful and the setting of the church really showcased their charms. clip_image002

I particularly liked the way the hessian shopping bags DSCF0538 had been enlivened with applique.DSCF0543 The fabric journal covers also stood out as worthy of note DSCF0573 as did several other smaller items including this cat.DSCF0552

Here are a few of the other exhibits  which caughtDSCF0542 my eye which I found quiteDSCF0546 inspiring. DSCF0551 I loved the numerous and varied postcards.  DSCF0554 DSCF0555 DSCF0553

And so as not to be totally off topic there was a lovely arrangement of flowers DSCF0583 in the entrance porch and vistas of trees behind the graveyard. DSCF0528 The church itself was worthy of note so here are a few pictures.DSCF0541 DSCF0560 DSCF0578 DSCF0581 All in all it was a good morning which we much enjoyed. Especially the coffee and cake!

And to end with a quilt on topic!



  1. Hi Valeri! It looks like you had a wonderful morning. Thank you for showing us interesting quilts. I like the lady riding a bike. The church is beautiful!

  2. Val... very nice display. I am sure you really enjoyed the show.

  3. I just wrote a blog about quilt gardens. The gardens are planted to look like quilt patterns.

    Garden Thyme with the Creative Gardener

  4. the journal covers are really really pretty!

  5. I enjoyed my visit to the quilt show...I'd never seen quilted postcards before....was fascinated by them. Thanks for including the pictures of the church...I've always liked stained glass and old cemeteries.
