Monday, 22 June 2009

Today I was good!

I walked to the garden centre! I did this so that I couldn’t be tempted to buy any plants as there would be no way I could have carried them home! I needed slug pellets as I had just planted out some lettuce plants and no way did I want them to end up like this!DSCF0006 I planted out this poor borage in the morning and by the time I came back from work in the afternoon the slugs had had a party! Having so much stonework there is a plethora of slugs and snails and they are virtually impossible to get rid of! So it had to be slug pellets!

I was also good in that I walked round the garden (not a big chore considering it’s size) and transplanted all the self sown plants that were in the wrong place. This included bronze fennel (3 plants), cherry tomatoes (6 plants at least!), borage (too many to mention), mimulus (1) and a poor little pansy! I also found several interesting grasses and cabbage type plants which have grown from the bird seed. The pigeons and blackbirds do a good job at eating the dropped seed on the ground but not quite good enough!

DSCF0002 A mimulu in the wrong place. Is that the singular of mimulus or is it like sheep?

And I shall end by thanking Janet of Island Garden fame for telling me about the post on Unaccustomed Earth about Blossom End Rot on Courgettes. I was unable to find this post due to the vagaries of Blotanical but I did find several posts on the net on BER so that I now know a whole lot more than I did previously. Without Janet I would never have gone down this route and just moaned. Moaning is easy!


  1. Thanks Val, for the thanks! Janet

  2. You're welcome Janet! Val

  3. Bronze fennel? I believe I've seen that seed on offer at Seed Savers but have never heard of that herb before. I love to hear how you've got a lot of borage...I'm hoping that the sole plant I transplanted in the garden will establish itself!

  4. I rue the day I ever planted Borage the tap root goes down to Australia and they self seed and grow so robustly just where something dainty is struggling.
