Sunday, 26 July 2009

Braving the Rain in Falmouth!

We went to Trago today which is a large ‘sell all’ cheap department store in Falmouth. When we got to our usual parking space it was over subscribed! This is now tourist season! But I made Martin wait while I took photos of these plants. I don’t know what they are but they are very striking. They are on a bank running parallel with the main thoroughfare in Falmouth. As well they were under planted with Agapanthus and Red Hot Pokers which seem to be very popular in this town.

flowers in Falmouth

In the end we had to park nearly on the sea front which meant quite a walk to the shops. Most of the gardens had Draceanas which is very common around here.


Lovely bushes of fuchsia. Even though this is a common variety I do like the red and purple.


Then we came to Arwenack Manor which is the oldest example of a dwelling place in Falmouth. It is a lovely old house and has an interesting knot garden. It is hard to do justice to it with a photo as one can’t get a clear view.


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Next door was a garden laid out to palms and succulents. Plants for hot, dry climates which Falmouth once was. We weren’t called the Cornish Riviera for nothing!



Tragos on a Sunday afternoon is crowded! In the summer it is mega crowded. I needed some things or I would have avoided it like the plague! It lies on the edge of the harbour where the small yachts and boats are legion. Opposite on the other bank is the village of Flushing.


There is a good garden section in Tragos down in the basement. They also do hot house flowers of which a few are pictured below. The red flowers on the right looked as if they were made out of metal but I touched them and they are real plants! I don’t know the names of any of them and labels were in short supply!

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Coming back along the sea front I was impressed with the display of agapanthus and some white and yellow flowers of which I don’t know the name! What a useless gardener I am!

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  1. Valeri I chuckled when I saw your post opening about Trago. Yes the store that has it all.
    Those amazing plants in the first shot were growing in a side street up from the High street a few years ago and the small leaflet plants that grow on the end of the leaves had dropped in the gutter. I ended up with three which I gave one each to my daughters. Ours is the only one to survive but is in a pot and protected in the winter. It is still low like a yucca I am waiting for it to shoot up high but probably not this year.
    I love your photos of Falmouth lots of happy memories of the town.
    Are the yellow things at the end not Day lillies?

  2. You will have to get a photo of the garden at the end of Norfolk road that always has lovelt Echinops growing tall. Actually there are so many lovely gardens and plants around for you to send us. Have you ever been to Lamorna in St Mawes a definit must for exotic planting.

  3. You're spot on Joanna. Trago's...once seen never forgotten. An experience all on it's own! I must mosey on down to Norfolk road soon and look for this lovely garden! Don't often get to St Mawes as it is over the water or a long way by road! Val

  4. I hope you've ordered the weather there in Cornwall for us, Valeri, we're coming down for the week on Saturday. We're staying a week in North Cornwall and then a week in North Devon. I've never been to either Cornwall or Devon before, so I'm really looking forward to it. I'm hoping to get to the Eden Project while we're there, but don't know if the kids will be too happy to go garden hunting to see any other gardens on their summer holidays.

  5. Jo if you are in North Cornwall you ought to try and get to see Lanhydrock which is near Bodmin. Your kids would love it and as well as an interesting house it has great gardens. The weather I can't do anything about but hopefully it will be better as my daughter plus the grandkids are coming to stay then! Val
