Friday, 17 July 2009

Preserving Flowers!

Why not preserve those lovely flowers that are blooming at the moment. You will need a sheet of paper or fabric (cotton or silk) some transfer adhesive (Bondaweb ),and some petals or flower heads. Small flowers can be used whole while larger, thicker flowers must be broken up into petals. Grasses work really well. (see above)

How to do it:

Lay a piece of fabric or paper flat and then iron a piece of Bondaweb on top. Let it cool and then remove the backing paper.  Arrange the flowers, leaves, etc on the Bondaweb. Now put another layer of Bondaweb on top of the flowers,  minus its backing of silicone paper. If wished put a layer of net or chiffon or other see through material on top of this. Then place a large enough piece of silicone paper over all and press with an iron firmly so that Bondaweb bonds to everything.  Gently peel the silicone paper off the flowers. They will be sticky while still warm but this will go as the layers cool.

Above is a piece of handmade paper with grasses and wild flowers and leaves Bondawebbed with a layer of net on top.
Below a small gift bag made out of flowers bonded to silk.



DSCF0014 The lily stamens and some leaves.

lilies and beadsDSCF0011 DSCF0015 

Above a page from one of my sketch books showing flower petals bonded to Vellum.  These were then rolled into beads and coated with varnish. Plus some close ups of the page.
Below  is a card made from hand-made paper with a free machined grid and bonded Hydrangea flowers individually cut out. This is ten years old!


flower fabricn  Nasturtiums Bondawebbed onto paper. Considering this is at least seven years old the colours are impressive! Below are some pages from one of my sketch books. Also two more views of the little silk bags with hydrangea flowers.


Not all flowers hold their colour for years. The calendula flowers above have gone a softer blue over time though the marigold below has kept a brighter colour.


paperbag1 paper bag

The pattern for the bag.



Why don’t you try it? My students love it when I do a class on this! It is a very simple and quick technique though I can guarantee that you will be become addicted and be plundering your garden for flowers to use.Rose petals are great, especially if scented. Scented pieces can be used as drawer liners.  Pictures, cards, little present bags, etc. etc. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that these pictures will enlarge so you can see more detail.


  1. Ohh. Thanks for sharing. I've been looking for ideas to decorate my market tablecloth. My calendula are beautiful right now, and I've been drying them...but you've give me another idea. Love your sketchbook.

  2. Hi Val, Thanks for sharing. This is a good gift idea. And I will show this to my mom, I guess she will like to try this too :)

  3. Val, how lovely to catch a glimpse of your sketchbooks

  4. Works of art! When it comes to crafts I'm a greenie, so seeing this is a delight. I really liked that 4th image up top!

  5. Thank you for your comments. I'm glad you all liked the idea. If you have a go do tell me and show the results! Val
