Tuesday 21 July 2009

Rain, rain go away!

The rain is getting boring! And what is worse it threatens to ruin the tomato crop. Too much rain and they will get blight just like last year! However the flowers in the garden seem to be doing very well. The Gazanias DSCF1546 are flowering well even though there is limited sun. They have to be dead headed regularly!DSCF1547 The Cosmos are amazing and although the rain batters them about they spring back with remarkable vigour and look as lovely as ever. DSCF1543 Again they too need dead heading regularly if I want continuous flowers. I am still picking courgettes and soon I will be able to pick cucumbers. Well one at least! And one of my yellow courgettes is nearly ready to be picked. But apart from that nothing is going on in my garden. It is wet and dreary and I’m going to fall back on a good book!


  1. The Gazania's are lovely. We've had plenty of rain here too.

  2. I don't think I could bear another blight year like the last two :(

  3. You are right - it is getting very boring.
    (The rain that is)

  4. Hi - Saw your blog on the stick insects .....
    They came from New Zealand on plant stock imported from there ...Colonising the south west of England ... Interesting aren't they :O) Here in NZ we have a number of different speciies ..some green some brown ...


